About the Parish

As a traditional Anglican church, All Saints Anglican Parish seeks to preserve the beauty and truth of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. Founded in 1974, All Saints is a parish of the Anglican Province of America, which is a part of the wider Continuing Anglican movement that has sought to uphold, protect, and celebrate the ancient Catholic faith expressed in the Anglican way.


 At All Saints, we regard the Holy Bible as the inspired Word of God and the measure of the Christian faith. This faith is proclaimed and summarized in the Apostolic and Nicene (as well as Athanasian) Creeds. We reverently approach God the Holy Trinity in worship using the Book of Common Prayer of 1928, which contains the daily liturgies of Morning and Evening Prayer as well as our weekly Sunday liturgy of Holy Communion. We take Jesus on His word when He says, “This is my body, this is my blood” and believe that He is truly present in the bread and wine of the altar.

Our belief in the communion of the saints spurs us to fellowship and hospitality. Every Sunday after we eat from God’s altar, we sit down to share a meal in the parish hall, making time to have good conversation and welcome visitors.






the right rev’d. David w. haines

Bp. David Haines was born in Stroud, Gloucestershire, England. At the age of three, his family immigrated to South Africa, where they lived just outside Johannesburg. He received several degrees in botany from the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg between the years 1979 and 1987. Upon completion of research for his Master’s degree, he traveled to the United States to attend Ohio State University, where he began work on his Ph.D. in botany.

During his stay in Columbus, he began attending a continuing Anglican Church.He was ordained Deacon by the Rt. Rev’d. G. Wayne Craig on September 22, 1991. For the next eight years, while serving as Deacon at Holy Nativity Church in Lima, Ohio, he taught various classes in Biology at Ohio Northern University. He was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Walter H. Grundorf in 2003 at Christ Church, Columbus and was appointed Vicar of Holy Nativity Church under license of Bishop Grundorf.     

He was called to All Saints Parish in 2006 and was installed as Rector by the Rt. Rev’d. Peter Brewer (Suffragan of DEUS).  He was appointed as the Vicar General for Global Partnerships for the APA in 2011. On 18 July 2018, he was consecrated Missionary Bishop of the APA, with special responsibility for Haiti and Ecuador. 

 He and his wife Lucy have three grown children and two lovely grandchildren, all of whom reside in Wilmington.



Assistant Priest:


the Rev’d. Erik Wilson

Fr. Erik was born in Big Spring, TX but was raised in Danville, VA. After high school he became a U.S. Marine and served six years as a Topographic Intelligence Specialist. Following military service Fr. Erik has worked as a government contractor for both the Defense and State Departments managing geographic information services. He earned a Bachelor of Science PPE (Philosophy, Political Science, & Economics) degree in 2008 and a Masters of Divinity in 2018. Though raised Baptist and later became a Presbyterian, he transitioned to Traditional Anglicanism after studying Church History and Liturgy during seminary.  Fr. Erik and his wife Kathryne were married in 2004 and together confirmed at All Saints Anglican parish by Bishop Walter Grundorf in 2011. Fr. Erik was ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons in March 2019 by Bishop Chandler Jones. He was joyfully ordained to the priesthood in June 2020 by Bishop Walter Grundorf.  

Fr. Erik’s goal is to return to military duty as a Chaplain and to that end can be found assisting a retired Navy Chaplain, Bishop Donald Lerow, at St. Barbara’s Anglican Catholic Church in Jacksonville, NC on Sundays when he is not at All Saints. He and his wife live in Hampstead, NC with their four wonderful children: Matthew (12), Madailein (10), Gabriel (7), and Liam (5). 



presiding bishop:

the most rev’d. Chandler Holder Jones, SSC


The Most Reverend Chandler Holder Jones SSC is Bishop Ordinary of the Diocese of the Eastern United States and Presiding Bishop of the Anglican Province of America.

A native of Surry County, North Carolina, and a graduate of Emory and Henry College (BA) and Duke University Divinity School (MDiv), with graduate studies at Dominican House of Studies, Washington, DC, he has been priested for twenty-five years and has served congregations in Virginia, Maryland, Florida, and Georgia. He has also studied English literature at Exeter College, University of Oxford, England and Anglican history at the King’s School, Canterbury Cathedral. A convert to the Continuing Anglican Church movement, he has been a Continuing Anglo-Catholic for over thirty years. He was consecrated to the Episcopate as Bishop Suffragan of the Diocese in 2010 and was elected Bishop Coadjutor in 2019. He will become Bishop Ordinary of the Diocese in July 2021. He has been married for twenty-one years to Megan Baskwill Jones - together they have four children.


What is Anglicanism?


Anglicanism is the expression of the historic Christian faith that developed in England and that has been practiced by English-speaking people the world over for centuries. Today, the Anglican tradition is shared by people of many languages and cultures.

Anglicans regard the Holy Bible as the written Word of God and as the record of His revelation to humanity. This revelation is perfected and fulfilled in Jesus Christ, the eternal Word of God Himself, who became a human like us in real time and space to bring us back to God.

This work of redemption happens through His Church, which is the organic, visible society that our Lord founded through his Holy Apostles while still on earth and which was animated by the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. Anglicans believe that salvation is not mainly a decision made on one’s own, but a life lived in fellowship in the “blessed company of all faithful people.”

In and by His Church the Lord pours out His grace most clearly through the Holy Sacraments, those “outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace.” The Sacrament of Holy Communion is for Anglicans the weekly Sunday celebration and is, in fact, the center of the whole Christian life. We take Jesus’ words “This is my Body, this is my Blood” seriously and believe that He is especially present among His people in the Bread and Wine of the Lord’s Supper.

This weekly (or sometimes even daily) celebration is our chief liturgy. Anglicans are liturgical; our order of worshiping God is uniform and made of forms that have been used since the very earliest days of the Church. This connects us both to our brethren who worship God on earth and those who worship Him in the heavens.

Anglicans seek not to conform Christ to their own image, but to be conformed to the image of Christ through His Word and Sacrament in His Holy Church. 



Anglican Resources


Earth & Altar

A Catholic Ressourcement for Anglicans.


philorthodox blog

By the Right Rev. Chandler Jones, Bishop Coadjutor of the DEUS APA: This site is dedicated to the traditional Anglican expression of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ. We profess the orthodox Christian Faith enshrined in the three great Creeds and the Seven Ecumenical Councils of the ancient undivided Church. We celebrate the Seven Sacraments of the historic Church. We cherish and continue the Catholic Revival inaugurated by the Tractarian or Oxford Movement. Universality, Antiquity and Consent.


Project Canterbury

Online home of Anglican texts, with emphasis on classical Anglican documents expressing the Catholic identity of Anglicanism.


Website of the Anglican Province of America

Official website of the APA. Find other continuing Anglican churches, see diocesan news, and read the newest bishop’s epistle.





All Saints Anglican Parish


2623 N College Rd
Wilmington, NC 28405