Whatever God puts on your heart to contribute to All Saints Anglican Parish in Wilmington, North Carolina: We are there to help you!


Donate to All saints in these ways:

1.Mail a Check to:

All Saints Anglican Parish

2623 N College Rd

Wilmington, NC 28405

2. Use a credit/Debit card on PayPal:

We are now able to accept donations via Paypal, with the option to cover the processing fee for your donation as well.

Click Here

3.Place your tithe physically in the offering plate on Sunday!

Join us as we worship the Living Lord together on

Sunday to place your offering in person.

Designate your contribution in the check memo line (or in the PayPal notes) towards:

General Fund (operations)

Building Fund

Playground Fund

Mission of the Month


All things are Thine; no gift have we,
Lord of all gifts, to offer Thee;
And hence with grateful hearts today,
Thine own before Thy feet we lay.
— Hymn 313